Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Digital Cinema Update

I got a chance to read the standards document for the Digital Cinema Initiative. This is a standards group supported by the major film companies so that, finally, the promise of digital cinema can be fulfilled.

For the most part it does it well. Support for 2k (about the same as HD) resolution and 4k, twice the resolution of HD. Awesome quality. Also, the standard says that in no way can the access to third party applications be denied. This is wonderful for indie filmmakers and theater owners to show film and events that are not part of a major distributor.

There is only one downside, and that is scopeā€¦ scope as in 2.39:1 Panavision kind of scope. While the proposed standard supports 2.39:1 aspect ratios, it does so by chopping off the tops and bottom of the picture, not using all the pixels to make the picture. For me this is a major negative. I believe the standard should include an anamorphic mode and a matching lens to un-squeeze the picture, using way more pixels than the proposal.

You can download the proposal yourself at their site. Check out the audio standards: 16-channels of sound. They will support 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 and more including the diagram of front-upper and center above speakers. Now that is cool!!!


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