Thoughts on September 11th
I just spent a nice evening watching films on INHD and IFC. Being that today is the fourth anniversary of the attacks on the Untied States by al-Queda they followed the theme. The first was a very well done documentary on United Airlines Flight 93. It focused on the people on the flight and the events. It featured cell phone recordings made on that day plus reenactments. Most surprising was hearing from the families what they heard on the flight recorder of the final minutes of the flight (this is still not released publicly due to criminal investigations). Very touching.
IFC has a great doc called WMD: Weapons of Mass Deceptions. This one covers the biased media coverage of 9/11 and the war. Excellent work showing that there is not a liberal controlled media. Quite the opposite, in fact.
As I watched I realized that we were scheduled to see some grand parade to the Pentagon with the “Mission Accomplished” President riding the waves of patriotism to repair his image. Guess Katrina changed that, instead revealing more of this man’s incompetence as a leader.
Please, Americans: Think. He sat in a school stunned for ten minutes while the attacks happened. He attacked a country not involved in the attacks because Iraq had WMDs and were ready to use them… except they didn’t. He declared mission accomplished and now more soldiers have died in Iraq since then than before. He degraded a former soldier’s military record to serve his own political ends… even though he accuses his detractors of not honoring the military. He laughs at a mother who lost her son in his war… then says he “needs to get on with his own life.” He claims that the fact we haven’t caught Osama bin Laden is okay because he is no longer a threat… meanwhile Madrid and London are bombed by them. He claims we are winning the “war on terror” when the number of terrorist attacks have increased dramatically since the beginning of the war. He refuses to intervene when energy companies rape the consumer, such as the fake energy crises in California several years back… those companies owned by his friends. He puts a guy whose experience in disaster management was learned running an Arabian horse show. Then when his appointment’s incompetence leads to excess deaths after Hurricane Katrina he blames the mayor and governor for not asking for help (not his fault again). He blames the CIA, led by Tenant, for botching the WMD thing then after he gives Tenant the Presidential Medal of Freedom… maybe for taking the blame for Bush. Bush also uses the 9/11 card to remind us all of the tragedy to gain support for his plans even though most of the wives of the 9/11 victims asked him not to do that and resent him every time he does.
And for the Republicans who will call me a traitor for using my First Amendment rights let me just say to you: He has you fooled. He is using you like a chump. If you have a problem with this, go ahead, close your eyes and attack me in this blog’s comments… it’s a lot easier to be angry than to think.
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